Everything else works fine, even the SD Card is working properly on Marlin 2.0. However the display get stuck in FYSETC logo. I tried to open the Display firmware using the DGUS software suggested in the github repo (https://github.com/FYSETC/FYSTLCD-DGUS) and it throws me an error. There is a missaligned item in the Screen 1 (Main Menu) that couse a button overlap error. I fixed it but i have no idea how to compile it in order to reflash the firmware into the display.

Enabling DGUS Debug on Marlin shows the following msg..
UpdateScreenVPData Screen: 1 VP: 12384 VP: 12386 VP: 13072 DGUSLCD_SendHeaterStatusToDisplay 13072 data 0
VP: 12416 VP: 12418 VP: 13084 DGUSLCD_SendHeaterStatusToDisplay 13084 data 0
VP: 12544 VP: 13056 DGUSLCD_SendFanStatusToDisplay 13056 data 0
VP: 12560 VP: 12562 VP: 12564 VP: 12544 VP: 12552 VP: 0 UpdateScreenVPData done
I belive that UpdateScreenVPData Screen: 1 is trying to tell the LCD that it should display Location 1 (Main View, according to FYSETC DGUS editor) however, the display remain in Location 0, Logo.
Maybe this missalignment is the root of the problem.